Podcast Episode 87 – Testing as a career – is it worth it?

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. This week join Russell, David, Chris and first-time host, Beth Clarke, as the Peers discuss careers in software testing. After a cuddly toy-themed opening, the group talk about paths into software testing, with the group’s academic paths coming from biology, astrophysics, architecture, humanities & politics. We […]

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Podcast Episode 85 – Red Flags

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. This time, join David, Chris, Simon and guest-host, Steve Watson, as we talk about red flags. Before diving into the main subject, the Peers discuss if they’ve ever been told that they’re a lookalike for anyone famous. Diving into the topic of red flags, the Peers […]

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Podcast Episode 84 – Deadlines

Welcome to episode 84 of the Testing Peers podcast. This week, Sam Nitsche joins regular hosts David, Russell and Chris as we discuss deadlines. After initially covering our relationships with deadlines while in school, we jump into the main topic, deadlines that impact, or are impacted by testing. The conversation touches deadlines as a tool, […]

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Podcast Episode 73 – Glue Work

Hello and welcome to episode 73 of the Testing Peers podcast, where this week we are talking about glue work. This week, regulars Chris, David and Russell are joined by the brilliant Vernon Richards. Before diving in, Vernon asks the Peers about their favourite non-work books. Chris then introduces the main topic of glue work, […]

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