About Us

The Testing Peers concept has come from a WhatsApp chat set up between a small group of passionate testers who wanted to have a network to collaborate with, share ideas, encourage and hold each other accountable.

From this original group, this has developed into a group that has discussions daily in our private slack channel, building relationships between peers who have similar views on some topics but equally, often opposite opinions which challenge the status quo and help us form stronger views on topics.

This blog is one of the initiatives we hope will allow us to share our thoughts and give back to the amazing testing community and beyond as a resource for random ramblings with the occasional gem of useful testing tips.


The Testing Peers 🙂

UPDATE: September 2020 

We continue to adapt as a peer group and have now evolved into producing a podcast. You can find the podcast on most directories and as of this week, we’ve found a sponsor. We’re now sponsored by Saffron QA who a provider of recruitment and consultancy services, exclusively for the software testing industry. More details can be found if you click the linked image below.Â