Peers on Mental Health

Although we are all firm believers of talking about Mental Health at any time, as it’s Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share with you our own stories to show you that it really is “OK, not to be OK” and to be able to talk about it. As a group the testing peers […]

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Cognitive Distortions

Since this is mental health awareness week, I thought I’d share a little from my own experience around mental health and in particular cognitive distortions. I must start with a disclaimer – I am not a mental health professional, I don’t have a qualification in psychology, psychiatry or anything related. So, why do I want […]

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Why I joined the Testing Peers

Another community? Another slack group? More networking with folks which could take up family time? When Chris first pinged me to see if I was interested in being part of it, all of the above ran through my head. But I genuinely believe Testing Peers is different and our purpose is something I really and […]

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Why Testing Peers?

I may be responsible for initiating the Testing Peers, but it has become the essence of a collaborative entity. I have a habit of rambling on a little, and a knack for translating that rambling into prose. The primary example of this being my initial pitch to the group that would become the Testing Peers. […]

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