Welcome to episode 5 of the Testing Peers Podcast, we’re practically old hat at this podcasting malarky now. Hope you are still enjoying our random wittering with each other.
In this episode, we dive into the topic of reporting your testing, the various forms that may exist in, corporate or regulatory demands on how you should report your results, and what benefits these reports provide to you as a test leader and also to the wider business. In many respects, articulating your testing results is an art and it really depends on the audience you need to report your results to.
The discussion does morph (as all our conversations do) into also talking about the end to end process and especially around Change Control getting changes live in production
Let us know your thoughts on this episode, maybe you have unique ways in which you reported your results which worked for you. Send your feedback to us either via email (contactus@testingpeers.com) or @TestingPeers on Twitter.