Podcast Episode 6 – CVs

Welcome to episode 6 of the Testing Peers Podcast. This week the peers are talking CVs.

In a time where lots of people are finding themselves looking for new roles, we thought it might be a great time to discuss CVs.

Our top tips to make your CV desirable…

  • Format – clear layout, font, consistent, readable, accessible, succinct
  • Share it as a PDF vs other file types
  • Length – keep it short, two pages ideally
  • Tailor it to the role and keep it relevant, use their language
  • Make it personable, introduce yourself early on, use cover letter if required or different medium
  • Be true to you, your experiences and aspirations
  • Use buzzwords sensibly
  • Your social media presence is an extension of your CV

Check out our tweet and the responses below.

Beth Marshall tip on CVs
Elias Nogueira tips on testing cv's
Billy Seniors top 10 tips on tester CVs

As referenced in the episode, watch one of our Peers (Simon) talk about his journey into test leadership: Baptism of fire leadership

Let us know your thoughts on CVs, what works or doesn’t work when your sifting CV’s. Send us your feedback via email to contactus@testingpeers.com or @TestingPeers on Twitter.

NOTE: After Chris so boldly claimed that he had never found a job through a recruiter, he only went and found a job via a recruiter. Thank you to all the recruiters out there!