Podcast Episode 58 – #MakeATester Update

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers. With Chris and Russell galavanting off at EuroStar 2022 in Copenhagen, Simon and David drafted in some equally awesome replacements in Shey and Beth from the Testing Peers bench and with that, two who have been involved in our #MakeATester endeavours. So we thought it made sense to provide an update on what we have been up to.

We started with “Banter with Beth” and she asked us all about how we make Testing fun. A lot of the collaborative activities we have discussed on previous episodes were mentioned such as internal COPs, collaboration and engagement and getting to try new things.

If you’re unfamiliar with the #MakeATester concept, go back to Podcast Episode 18 – #MakeATester and listen to that first.

Simon then talked through the progress we have made so far with contacting universities. Around 60% (68 out of 112) of the UK universities have now been contacted, but out of that, only 12 have any kind of dedicated module.

We then talk about the session we have recently run at the University of Plymouth and the positive outcomes with that. And also touch on our upcoming session at Aston University too.

We know we have more to do, but we are making progress and it’s great that with the wider Testing Peers group, we have people who are passionate about making a difference.

We’d love to progress this further, so if anyone wishes to support/sponsor the MakeATester efforts, then please get in touch.

Thank you for listening. We appreciate all your feedback.

We hope you found the discussion useful and would love to hear your feedback.


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