Podcast Episode 7 – First Inspirations & Good Reads

Welcome to episode 7 of the Testing Peers Podcast. Yes, we made it to 7 episodes!

This week the peers are going to reflect a little on who initially inspired our testing journeys and also give you an insight into some of the books that have helped us on our way.

As a group of peers, we can all say it was a talk or an event that inspired us to be more engaged in testing. Hearing someone passionate about a subject talk and share their knowledge ignited a desire in us to learn more. Right now more and more events are online and many are free. Check out @TestConferences on twitter, meetup.com or Mot Meetups, MoT events, testingconferences.org to name a few places to get ideas.

Events aren’t the only way to find inspiration, everyone finds inspiration in different ways. If you’re reading this you’ll already be looking at blogs or podcasts they’re also a great way to find inspiration. You can also read articles, newsletters and twitter is home to many testers. In this episode, we also mention a few of the books that we found useful but we’d love to know your suggestions so feel free to comment on our blog, twitter @testingpeers, or email us contactus@testingpeers.com.

Finally thank you for supporting us, we’ve had over 1200 downloads in our first 90 days which is amazing! If you’ve liked what you’ve heard and want to support us to improve the quality and help towards the hosting costs we’d really appreciate you becoming a patron or reach out to us if you’d like to sponsor an episode.