Podcast Episode 103 – Saying No

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers podcast. Beth Marshall joins Chris, David and Russell to discuss the topic of saying no. Chris starts with the banter, asking the peers which films they have turned off or left the cinema because they were rubbish, various films mentioned, although the northerners on the recording seem […]

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Podcast Episode 61 – Complacency

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers Podcast. Before diving into the topic of complacency, the newly crowned ‘Mr. Bantz’ asks the Peers to dive into their memory vaults to reveal which computer games consumed their adolescent years. Chris introduces the definition of complacency that will be used for this episode: a feeling of […]

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Podcast Episode 55 – Loneliness

Welcome to episode 55 of the Testing Peers podcast. This episode falls on the same date as the start of Mental Health Awareness Week 2022, and this year’s theme is Loneliness and our mental health. We greatly value all the discourse around mental health and see great value in continuing the conversation and so we […]

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Peers on Mental Health

Although we are all firm believers of talking about Mental Health at any time, as it’s Mental Health Awareness Week, we wanted to share with you our own stories to show you that it really is “OK, not to be OK” and to be able to talk about it. As a group the testing peers […]

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Podcast Episode 27 – Burnout

Welcome to another episode of the Testing Peers. This episode is special to us for two reasons. Firstly, this is being released exactly a year since we released our first episode and it is humbling to see how far we have come in that year and how many of you have listened. Secondly, and more […]

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