Podcast Episode 9 – Peers talk passion

Welcome to episode 9 of the Testing Peers podcast.

In this episode, we talk about passion.

This is a topic that was inspired by a post by Philip Wong in the Podcasters Club in Ministry of Testing’s The Club: https://club.ministryoftesting.com/t/introduce-your-podcast/40932/5?u=christovskia

Passion was a big word that was mentioned in the episode. For a tester like me who doesn’t know where they are headed yet, what if you don’t know your ‘passion’? Can it be ‘built’ up? I don’t know about you, but I don’t like the word ‘passion’ because it brings up the image of people ‘either have it or not’. It’s probably a whole episode itself but I just wanted to put that out there as a listener.”

We are conscious that the word passion can mean quite different things depending on the context.

In this episode, we talk about how we might define passion, how we have experienced it and also how we perceive it. We talk about how people display their passion in person and also in written form, and we joke about our own use of the word in our CVs, social media etc.

We discuss some of the pitfalls of passion, as well as the benefits.

The Peers also touch on childhood passions, before it obviously became all about quality!

We thank you once again for taking the time to listen to our podcast and would love more of your feedback. Please reach out on Twitter @testingpeers or via email: contactus@testingpeers.com 

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